Because of Grace Residential Care Services
We Strive to Give You Growth and Stability
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics, setting forth principles for every aspect of the organization. It mandates the promotion of honest and ethical conduct, proper disclosure of information, and compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The Code of Ethics applies to all employees of Because of Grace Residential Care Services. Because of Grace Residential Care Services asks all employees to read and understand the Code of Ethics.
Principles and Practices
In performing their duties, all employees, officers, trustees, partners, vendors, representatives, and agents must:
engage in and promote honest and ethical conduct, avoiding any actual or perceptual conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;
provide, or cause to be provided, full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure when necessary;
comply and take all reasonable actions to cause others to comply with applicable governmental laws, rules, and regulations;
not directly or indirectly participate in any fraudulent action; and
promptly report violations of this Code of Ethics to the Executive Director
It is the responsibility of Because of Grace Residential Care Services and of each trustee and employee to respect and obey the law. Trustees and employees are not expected to know the details of all laws, rules, and regulations; however, at a minimum, it is important to know enough to determine when to seek advice from Supervisors and/or other Management of Because of Grace Residential Care Services . The Executive Director will report material violations of this Code to the Board of Trustees and recommend appropriate action. The Board may designate appropriate persons to determine appropriate action, and such action will be reasonably designed to deter wrong-doing and promote accountability for adherence to this Code. Failure to observe the terms of this Code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Violations of this Code may also constitute violations of law and may result in civil and criminal penalties.
Organizational Values
Because of Grace Residential Care Services is a Christian based organization founded on the conviction that every person is created in the image of God and is therefore worthy of dignity and respect.
We embrace these organizational values as guiding principles. We hold ourselves and each other responsible to support and demonstrate these values in our daily tasks, decisions, and interactions. We acknowledge that effective communication creates the foundation for these values.
We focus on Quality Customer Service by:
Committing to deliver exceptional quality services to adults with intellectual disabilities and exceeding customer expectations.
Providing personal and friendly attention to residents and their families.
Designing programs and services around the needs and expectations of residents and families.
Recognizing that focusing on person-centered care is the business of our organization.
Upholding high standards of timeliness, quality, and value.
Acknowledging that a sacred trust is invested in Because of Grace Residential Care Services when families place their loved ones in our care.
Maintaining commitments to Res Hab and assisting our individuals to their highest satisfaction in service and products, resolving service failures expeditiously, and accepting only those projects in which we have complete competence.
Maintaining honest and objective relationships with vendors, and other service providers.
We develop an environment of Integrity and Trust by:
Recognizing every individual as a person of sacred worth.
Respecting others.
Taking responsibility for our own actions and results.
Encouraging innovation and treating mistakes as learning experiences.
We encourage Teamwork by:
Breaking down organizational barriers to solve problems and achieve common goals.
Developing and establishing shared vision, mission, goals, and clear roles
Demonstrating trust, respect, and loyalty to each other.
Sharing information, ideas, and feelings.
Listening carefully and promoting cooperation.
Valuing diversity, respecting the past, planning for the future.
Celebrating success.
Believing that for those who live and work here, Because of Grace Residential Care Services should be a source of joy, inspiration and providing a quality of service to the individuals we serve.
We promote and support Employee Excellence by:
Investing in employee training and education.
Recognizing and rewarding quality performance.
Identifying and addressing employee needs and expectations.
Providing employees with tools to successfully perform their job and achieve quality outcomes.
Placing priority on the safety and security of residents and employees.
Florida Adults Protective Services Act
With a widely recognized, resident-centered culture and the aforementioned values serving as the foundation for decision-making, we commit to providing residents considerate and respectful care, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, or disability. Furthermore, Because of Grace Residential Care Services will not tolerate:
Abuse (of any type – physical, verbal, emotional)
Exploitation, including accepting gifts from or selling items to residents
The Florida Adults Protection Services Act defines illegal and inappropriate actions involving persons with intellectual disabilities, and the Department of Human Services is the governmental body that addresses such issues or concerns. Any case of substantiated abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation can and will be prosecuted according to the law. Anyone directly observing or becoming aware of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation, and failing to report it will also be held liable.
Because of Grace Residential Care Services is charged with safeguarding information so that only those with a need to know receive information. Information must be related to the business at hand. Employees, officers, must maintain the confidentiality of all information entrusted to them. Exceptions include when disclosure is authorized or legally permitted; however, disclosure and use of such information must be for legitimate purposes. All information relating to residents is CONFIDENTIAL and only employees with a “need to know” will be provided access to said information.
Because of Grace Residential Care Services, as an employer and custodian of residents’ medical information, is responsible for any breaches of the privacy regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Any information that discloses a diagnosis or leads to assumptions of a diagnosis may be shared only with “those who have a need to know” in the performance of their job as it relates to the resident, the employee, or compliance with a law.
Protection and Proper Use of Assets
All employees, officers, should protect Because of Grace Residential Care Services assets and ensure their efficient use. Except for incidental personal use, assets of Because of Grace Residential Care Services should be dedicated to legitimating business only. It is never acceptable to use a corporate credit card for personal use, and corporate expense accounts should be used only for business in accordance with policy. The obligation to protect assets includes intellectual property, business and marketing plans, databases, records, salary information, and unpublished reports. Unauthorized use or distribution of this information is prohibited. No bribes, kickbacks, or similar payments or consideration are directly or indirectly to be given or offered by any employee, officer, trustee, or agent of Because of Grace Residential Care Services to any individual, organization, government, political party, or any other entity or its representatives for any reason, or vice versa.
Employee Matters
Because of Grace Residential Care Services is firmly committed to non-discrimination and equal opportunity for employees and residents. Everyone will be treated without discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, genetics, or disability. No person shall be refused employment, promotion, transfer, compensation, benefits, or any other term or condition of employment based on any of these characteristics. Sexual harassment in any form and conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment is prohibited at Because of Grace Residential Care Services. In addition, the health and safety of employees is one of Because of Grace Residential Care Services ’s greatest concerns. Because of Grace Residential Care Services is to provide a healthy, drug-free, safe, and efficient workplace and business environment for employees and residents. Employees are prohibited from engaging in the illegal use, transfer, sale, or possession of drugs and abusing prescription drugs while on the job.
Because of Grace Residential Care Services requires honest and accurate recording of information in order to provide accurate reports and make responsible business decisions. All of the companies books, records, accounts, and financial statements must be maintained in reasonable detail, appropriately reflect The Center’s transactions, and conform to both applicable legal requirements and the system of internal controls. Unrecorded or “off the book” funds or assets should not be maintained unless permitted by law. All employee business expense accounts must be documented and recorded accurately. Business records and communications often become public, and employees should strive to be clear and concise, avoiding exaggeration, derogatory remarks, guesswork, and inappropriate characterizations of others. This principle applies equally to email, internal memoranda, and formal reports. Records should always be retained or destroyed in accordance with The Center’s record retention policy.
Reporting Illegal or Unethical Behavior
Employees are encouraged to speak to their supervisors about observed illegal or unethical behavior, including existing and potential violations of this Code of Ethics and if or when in doubt about the best course of action to take in a particular situation. Failure to report existing and potential violations is also a violation of this Code. Because of Grace Residential Care Services shall protect employees, who in good faith report misconduct by others, from retaliation. Employees are expected to cooperate in internal investigations of misconduct.
Compliance Procedures
All employees, officers, and trustees are expected to read, understand, and comply with the principles contained in the Code of Ethics, as well as all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and Because of Grace Residential Care Services policies, procedures, and guidelines.
It is not possible to anticipate every situation that may arise, so employees should keep the following in mind:
Make sure you have all the facts.
Ask yourself: What specifically am I being asked to do and does it seem unethical or improper?
Clarify your responsibility and role.
Discuss your concern with your supervisor.
Seek help from the Director.
You may report ethical violations in confidence without fear of retaliation.
Always ask first and act later.
An employee who is unsure of whether a situation violates the Code of Ethics should discuss the situation with his or her supervisor or a designated Because of Grace Residential Care Services representative to prevent possible misunderstanding and embarrassment later.
If an employee becomes aware of any violation of the Code of Ethics, law, or regulation, it is critical that the employee communicate this to the appropriate individuals for correction. Apparent violations will be fully investigated and resolved.
Any employee who engages in unlawful activities or violates the Code of Ethics or any other Because of Grace Residential Care Services policy is subject to disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal. Remember, if an employee is unsure of what to do in any situation, the best course of action is to seek guidance before taking action.
Employees wishing to report violations of the Code of Ethics or other concerns that may indicate unlawful activities at Because of Grace Residential Care Services may do so confidentially by calling the director.